Hi! I'm Clara!

my photo

I'm a Senior Product Designer from Portugal currently based in Rotterdam, NL.

My ambition as a designer is timeless aesthetics that meets functionality and ultimately value and positive impact on people's lives.

I found user experience design after working in other sectors, such as healthcare, arts and education. These experiences brought me an holistic and empathic approach to solving problems and a better understanding of needs and motivations of others.

In my spare time, I make things, travel, cycle and practise yoga & pilates; never say no to good coffee. I'm an unapologetic cat person.

My Process

  • Empathize

I need to deeply understand the people using the product and its context for existence. To be able to frame the right problems, all parties need to be involved as well conduct product research to inform design decisions.

  • Exploration

Drawing insights from the data previously collected, I ideate the best possible solutions to solve the problems. In this phase, I focus on the “why” people want/think/need this product.

  • Design

I work in various activities from creating or improving information architecture, to prototypes, to the actual UI design and the design system of the product. This phase is both highly collaborative and iterative.

  • Validation

High-fidelity prototypes will be ready to test with people that represent my target audience. Based on their feedback, the team will iterate, repeat testing and/or implement.